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[Warg. Event] Meeting in Bydgoszcz in Dec. 2007

: środa, 2 kwietnia 2008, 14:33
autor: Raleen
Although it passed quite a lot of time I decided to put here a topic about this meeting to write anything about it. Unfortunately few posts disappeared during december forum disaster caused by server.

Meeting was very well done by wujaw who prepared everything on place contacted us with organizers of fantasy games fans meeting "Sfera". We played mainly in games around ancient times. Wujaw, RyTo and Teufel played in Great Battles of Alexander, I (Raleen) and wujaw played than in Ardeny 1944, in saturday evening many people finished taking part in meeting, but few of us stayed to sunday. In the morning wujaw and I took part in translation fo the rules of the next game about ancient times. Than wujaw tought me Great Battles of Alexander system. This is only a short note which I hope to expand in the future.