Forumowa Liga Twilight Struggle - rozgrywki grupowe, finał

Zorganizowane rozgrywki ligowe w sieci, odbywające się pod patronatem naszego forum.
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Posty: 143
Rejestracja: piątek, 8 października 2010, 10:25
Lokalizacja: Poznań-miasto bez strategów

Post autor: Ouragan »

No jestem za następną edycją, ale bez kart dodatkowych z 3 dodatkowymi wplywami USA :P
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Posty: 3144
Rejestracja: niedziela, 7 października 2007, 16:17
Lokalizacja: Kielce
Been thanked: 1 time

Post autor: Arteusz »

Dograjcie do końca to co macie jeszcze dograć, a finał będzie wisienką na torcie. :faja:
Moje gry
Szlachectwa nie nabiera się przez urodzenie, ale przez czyny.
"Moim obowiązkiem, jako patrioty, nie jest umrzeć za swój kraj, ale sprawić, żeby wróg oddał życie za własny".
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Général de Division
Posty: 3535
Rejestracja: czwartek, 22 grudnia 2005, 18:33
Lokalizacja: Warszawa
Been thanked: 104 times

Post autor: Silver »

Silver (USA) vs Redy (ZSRR) 1 – 0. Zwycięstwo na koniec gry po końcowym podliczaniu. Tylko 4VP

Zakończyliśmy wyrównaną bitwę na planszy zaczętą w Wigilię. Brawo dla Redy.
Do końca wszystko się ważyło. W 1/3 gry uzyskałem inicjatywę ale nie pamiętam jak straciłem i w 2/3 gry z kolei moja sytuacja stała się nieciekawa zwłaszcza jak potem 2 razy pod rząd pociągnąłem nieciekawe karty i wydarzenia dla Sojuza sypały się gęsto.
Ostatnia tura wyjątkowo długa. Miałem wtedy 2 karty punktujące Afrykę i Amerykę Środkową. Długo tam walczyliśmy. Karty punktujące wyjątkowo zagrałem jako ostatnie.
Tak się koncentrowałem na grze że nie notowałem zdarzeń do stworzenia raportu.
Naprawdę należałby się remis ale to takie mało prawdopodobne do osiągnięcia.
Tu poniżej część listingu z gry o końcowym podliczaniu regionów:
*** Scoring in Europe ***
USSR: 7(domination) +3(battlegrounds) = 10
USA: 3(presence) +2(battlegrounds) = 5
*** Scoring in Asia ***
USSR: 3(presence) = 3
USA: 7(domination) +4(battlegrounds) +1(adj. to USSR) = 12
*** Scoring in Central America ***
USSR: 3(domination) +2(battlegrounds) +1(adj. to USA) = 6
USA: 1(presence) +1(battlegrounds) = 2
*** Scoring in South America ***
USSR: 2(presence) +2(battlegrounds) = 4
USA: 2(presence) +2(battlegrounds) = 4
*** Scoring in Africa ***
USSR: 1(presence) +2(battlegrounds) = 3
USA: 1(presence) +2(battlegrounds) = 3
*** Scoring in Middle East ***
USSR: 3(presence) +1(battlegrounds) = 4
USA: 3(presence) +2(battlegrounds) = 5
The Soviets have the China Card: -1 to the VP total
The USA player wins the game!!!
Zrobiłem screen po zakończeniu rozgrywki i może będziemy następnym razem dołaczać takie pełniejsze raportu po rozgrywkach także z tekstu gry.

Marsjanin i Redy - warto byście rozegrali do końca rozgrywki by tabela była pełna. A może jeszcze rozegrać mecze o kolejne miejsca z udziałem „drużyn” z 2 miejsc i z 3 miejsc w grupach – tylko to wbrew regulaminowi. Ale taki pojedynczy mecz by było szybciej.
A może zaczynamy zaraz natychmiastowo werbunek do 2 edycji?
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Posty: 67
Rejestracja: czwartek, 29 stycznia 2009, 22:08
Lokalizacja: Olsztyn

Post autor: redy »

Rewelacyjna rozgrywka, wszystko ważyło się do ostatniej chwili. Zabrakło mi jednego Ops'a by wygrać.

W ostatniej rundzie nie miałem żadnej punktującej karty za to Silver miał dwie - Amerykę Środkową i Afrykę. Cały czas nie byłem pewny jaki region będzie punktowany, gdyż zażarta walka była w tych dwóch regionach i Ameryce Południowej, także zręcznie próbował mnie zmylić. Po zagraniu punktowania Ameryki Środkowej wiedziałem, że będzie zagrywał jeszcze jedno punktowanie, bo nagle zaczął wolniej grać i więcej się namyślać. Ostatecznie pozbawił mnie kontroli w dwóch afrykańskich krajach (Algieria i bodajże Nigeria) a także Argentynie. Ostatnia tura i moja decyzja w który region ratować. Dokonałem dobrego wybory, niestety miałem tylko 3 Ops'y i odzyskałem Algierię, ale nie starczyło mi już na Nigerię, co sprawiło, że nie odzyskałem kontroli nad Afryką, która za chwilę była punktowana. Gdybym miał kartę na 4 Ops'y zdaje się, że wygrałbym jednym punktem i byłaby ogromna niespodzianka :)

Gratuluję zwycięstwa w grupie Silverowi, ciesząc się jednocześnie, że udało mi się stawić twardy opór. Była to dopiero moja 4 rozgrywka, ale jestem zafascynowany grą i jej potencjałem. Jeżeli będzie druga edycja, to pokuszę się o lepsze wyniki.

Myślę, że rozegramy te dwa mecze w tym tygodniu z marsjaninem, choć będą już po terminie. Tak jak Silver, sądzę, że można zagrać mecze o pozostałem miejsca, zwłaszcza o istotną 3 pozycję.

Jeżeli będziemy grali drugą edycję, to ja bym prosił o takie ustalenie terminów, aby można było rozgrywać po jednym meczu tygodniowo, gdyż niestety, ale nie jestem w stanie grać częściej. Praca, rodzina, obowiązki itd. Nie mogę też każdej wolnej chwili poświęcać na granie, dlatego jestem w stanie rozegrać jeden mecz w weekend
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Colonel Général
Posty: 43377
Rejestracja: czwartek, 22 grudnia 2005, 14:40
Lokalizacja: Warszawa
Has thanked: 3943 times
Been thanked: 2509 times

Post autor: Raleen »

Świetnie Wam idzie widzę :)

Co do rozgrywki finałowej, postarajcie się zrobić bardziej szczegółowy raport (dałbym go też na portal). Warto by jakoś ją upamiętnić, a wraz z nią tą pierwszą edycję naszej forumowej ligii.
Panie, weźcie kości w rękę i wyobraźcie sobie, że gracie z królem Kastylii, i rzucając je na stół zdajecie wszystko na los bitwy. Jeśli dopisze wam szczęście, zrobicie najlepszy rzut, jaki kiedykolwiek uczynił król na ziemi; a jeśli rzut wam się nie powiedzie, inaczej nie odejdziecie z gry, jak z honorem.

Gil de Osem do króla Portugalii Jana I Dobrego przed bitwą pod Aljubarrotą (14.VIII.1385)
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Général de Division
Posty: 3535
Rejestracja: czwartek, 22 grudnia 2005, 18:33
Lokalizacja: Warszawa
Been thanked: 104 times

Post autor: Silver »

Umówiliśmy się ze będziemy losować kto będzie kim w pierwszej rozgrywce: kto ma być kim i Monthion wylosował ZSRR

Otrzymałem karty: 4, 8, 14, 23, 25, 105 (Special Relations) i 106 (Norad) – piszę o tych z wysokimi numerami bo program Wargameroom jakos te cyfry przeinacza).
Liczyłem że przeciwnik ma kartę lub nawet 2 punktujące (ja nie miałem żadnej) i nie będzie miał wielkiego potencjału do gry.
Postawiłem swe wpływy na max w RFN i do Włoch a pozostałe do Kanady.
Chciałem powalczyć na innych obszarach niż Europa.

W fazie wstępnej zagrałem kartę 25 by powiększyć punktowe możliwości swych kart w turze.
Przeciwnik zagrał kartę 7 i zabrał wpływy 1 z Niemiec i 2 z Włoch oczyszczając te ostatnie do 0.

1 faza –
ZSRR - karta 17 i zamach w Iranie ale tylko oczyścił ten kraj z mego wpływu.
Ja kartę 105 na Reorientacje sojuszy na Bliskim Wschodzie i miałem 3 próby by pozbyć się tylko po 1 wpływie w Syrii i Iraku i tragiczne rzuty kostkami - zupełnie nie wyszły wszystkie. Plan dobry ale ludzie (kostki) zawiedli. (Gdy mój rzut 5 to on 6, potem ja 1 to on 4 i ja 2 to on 6).
I znów ZSRR będzie do przodu.

2 faza –
ZSRR zagrał kartę Chin i 2 wpływy we Włoszech i 2 w Turcji opanowując je (Turcja dodatkowo wzmacnia pozycję w Syrii)
Ja kartę 24 dodając w 7 państwach Europy Zachodniej: Kanada, Hiszpania, Grecja, Austria, Francja, Benelux, RFN.

3 faza –
ZSRR - Scoring Europa i 10:4 dla ZSRR
Ja kartę 24 i znów 3 próby jak wyżej i znów całkowita klapa to już szczyt pecha (już 6 razy pojedynki na kości i zawsze przegrana).

4 faza –
ZSRR perfidnie kartę 19 i ja mogę usunąć mu tylko 1 punkt z Austrii a ZSRR kładzie w Południowej Korei.
Ja wydarzenie z karty 106 – czyli Norad.

5 faza –
ZSRR kartę 29 w kosmos i udanie.
Ja kartę 4 na przewrót w Iraku i znów najgorszy rzut kostką i nic nie uzyskane – to przekleństwo bo od początku gry już 7 raz tam nic nie mogę zadziałać w tym kraju.

6 faza –
ZSRR kartę 5 i wylatuje mu z ręki karta 11 ale za punkty opanował Syrię i nieszczęsny dla mnie Irak
Ja kartę 14 i przewrót tym razem w Syrii a ZSRR stawia punkty w Finlandii, Yugosławii, Węgry i w Bułgarii. Przewrót na tyle udany że zdjął wpływy ale przecież nic mojego nie postawił.

2 tura
Ja mam karty: 8, 12, 13, 20, 21, 22, 100 Formosian, 110 Cambridge

Ja wstępnie zagrywam kartę wojny żydów z arabami by potem nie przeszkadzała ale niestety udana dla czerwonych – jemu ciągle wychodzą rzuty - miał 50% szans.
ZSRR zagrywa równolegle Middle Scoring i 4:0 z tej karty dla niego.

1 faza –
ZSRR kartę 26 i odkrył moje karty i dostawił punkt w Izraelu a ja próbowałem Realigment w Izraelu i jak zawsze gorszy rzut kostką i nic się nie stało – to już zła jak dla mnie tradycja.
Ja kartę 110 i znów Realigment w Izraelu i Południowej Korei i oczywiście nic udało się.

2 faza –
ZSRR kartę 30 i położenie z wydarzenia czerwonych w: Birma, Laos, Malezja i Indonezja.
Ja Chińską Kartę na reorientacje w Azji i w tych 4 krajach co dopiero czerwoni położyli to sukcesy zdjęcia ich znaczników i ostatni punkt wydany na Koreę Południową ale tu już nie powiodło się.

3 faza –
ZSRR kartę 9 i wydarzenie rewolucji w Wietnamie i opanowanie go przez komunistów.
Ja 100 i gaszę Przewrotem w Wietnamie i wyjątkowo udany rzut i przejęcie i nawet tam 4 wpływy dołożyłem.

4 faza –
ZSRR kartę 34 i Afganistan i Południowa Korea po 2 punkty i opanowane.
Ja kartę 21 i przewrót w Afganistanie i najgorszy z możliwych rzutów – tylko „1” i tylko 1 wpływ zdjęty

5 faza –
ZSRR kartę 10 i tanio przywrócił kontrolę nad Afganistanem.
Ja kartę 22 i opanowałem za punkty Tajlandie.

6 faza –
ZSRR karta 15 i jego rzut „6” i Tajlandia teraz jego.
Ja kartę 20 i na Filipiny i Laos by opanować.

3 tura
Mam karty 8, 12, 16, 18, 28, 30, 100 Formosian, 102 Defectors.
Połowa tych kart jest z wydarzeniami ZSRR i jeszcze słabe punktowo a ZSRR w tym momencie ma już 14VP

Zagrałem rozpaczliwie 102 Defektors
ZSRR zagrał równolegle kartę 31 ale moje wydarzenie skasowało je.

1 faza
ZSRR kartę 27 które dodatkowo dałoby mi kontrole nad Japonią ale jednocześnie zagrał UN Interwention i wydarzenie nie zachodzi natomiast ZSRR wykorzystuje punkty na przewrót w Cambodży i oczywiście wyrzucił „6” i tam pojawiło się najwięcej na mapie bo 7 wpływów.
Jestem odcięty od północnej Azji przez ten kraj a na Bliskim Wschodzie nie mam nic.
Ja kartę 100 i 2 wpływy w Malezji.

2 faza
ZSRR - Punktowanie Azji i zwycięstwo automatyczne USA – czyli Monthiona.

Tragiczne rzuty popsuły mi wszelkie plany.

Poniżej są karty Monthiona:
1 tura: ręka;
#5 Ops 3: Five Year Plan (USA)
#11 Ops 2: Korean War * (USSR)
#2: Europe Scoring
#7 Ops 3: Socialist Governments (USSR)
#19 Ops 1: Truman Doctrine * (USA)
#17 Ops 3: De Gaulle Leads France * (USSR)
#15 Ops 1: Nasser * (USSR)
#29 Ops 3: East European Unrest (USA)

2 tura ; ręka;
#15 Ops 1: Nasser * (USSR)
#26 Ops 1: CIA Created * (USA)
#32 Ops 1: UN Intervention
#30 Ops 2: Decolonization (USSR)
#10 Ops 1: Blockade * (USSR)
#9 Ops 2: Vietnam Revolts * (USSR)
#34 Ops 4: Nuclear Test Ban
#3: Middle East Scoring

3 tura; ręka;
#32 Ops 1: UN Intervention
#33 Ops 3: De-Stalinization * (USSR)
#31 Ops 4: Red Scare/Purge
#27 Ops 4: US/Japan Mutual Defense Pact * (USA)
#1: Asia Scoring
#13 Ops 2: Arab-Israeli War (USSR)
#24 Ops 2: Indo-Pakistani War
#7 Ops 3: Socialist Governments (USSR)

Juz teraz kończymy drugą rozgrywkę i ostatnia turę i chyba nic już nie pomoże i przegram.
Szkoda że nie zrobiłem zrzutów ekranowych ale było mnóstwo móżdżenia.
Teraz mam 1 ze środka gry i zrobię na koniec.
Monthion opisze rozgrywkę.
Ja notowałem ale w takiej suchej formie.
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Posty: 143
Rejestracja: piątek, 8 października 2010, 10:25
Lokalizacja: Poznań-miasto bez strategów

Post autor: Ouragan »

He he no masakrę Ci zapodał. Czasem wydaje mi się, że ta gra sprowadza się w sumie do rzutów kostką, a tego powiem szczerze nie lubię. Jednak dodatkowy problem w tej grze to ogromna przewaga Rosjan na początku gry, co powoduje, iż pechowe rzuty Amerykanina generują praktycznie wygraną Rosjanina, ale jak Rosjanin będzie miał pechowe rzuty, to po prostu nie wygra automatycznie i można pokusić się o zwycięstwo na punktowanie pod koniec gry. Jestem ciekawy jak to chodzi bez tych opcjonalnych kart z dodatkowymi 3 punktami wplywu. Wtedy dodaje się je do Włoch i startowy coup we Włoszech jest zablokowany. Gra w końcu może wówczas przypomina starcie potęg, a nie miażdzenie USA :)

Chociaż Silver powiem Ci szczerze, że za dużo postawiłeś na rzuty (czysto losowe, bez przewagi dla Ciebie), zamiast na pewne dostawianie punktów. Zagrałeś na "ślepy traf" :P :P ,walcząc o 1 punktowe wpływy, często poza krajami strategicznymi, gdy Monthion jak już uderzał to właśnie w kraje strategiczne :). Taka gra to czyste szaleństwo i musiała się po prostu ta potoczyć :)
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Posty: 478
Rejestracja: czwartek, 22 grudnia 2005, 14:55
Lokalizacja: Kraków
Has thanked: 6 times
Been thanked: 16 times

Post autor: Monthion »

Zakończyliśmy finał. Drugą partię wygrałem po 10 turach USA, co spowodowało osiągnięcie pułapu 2 pkt. który kończył rozgrywkę. Tym samym zostałem zwycięzcą pierwszej eksperymentalnej edycji Forumowej Ligii Twilight Struggle. Szczegółowy raport z 2 partii wstawię niedługo, mam nadzieję.
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Général de Division
Posty: 3535
Rejestracja: czwartek, 22 grudnia 2005, 18:33
Lokalizacja: Warszawa
Been thanked: 104 times

Post autor: Silver »

Ouragan – nie pamiętam już dokładnie sytuacji ale to nie było tak bo miałem wielkie szanse na całkowite wyrugowanie wpływów czerwonego na Bliskim Wschodzie a tam szybko by nie dostawił nowych. Miałbym mnóstwo czasu. On nie miał tam sieci opanowanych krajów i skuteczne rzuty były bardzo prawdopodobne.
Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 478
Rejestracja: czwartek, 22 grudnia 2005, 14:55
Lokalizacja: Kraków
Has thanked: 6 times
Been thanked: 16 times

Post autor: Monthion »

Nasi informatorzy dotarli do tajnych stenogramów CIA z przebiegu zmagań o panowanie nad światem ( tj. drugiej finałowej partii Ligii Twilight Struggle).. Numery kart z wargamerooma (głównie tych z edycji deluxe) nieco się różnią się od tych które są w plastikowej talii. Na niebiesko komentarze .

1 tura: ręka USA;
#14 Ops 3: Comecon * (USSR)
#28 Ops 3: Suez Crisis * (USSR)
#27 Ops 4: US/Japan Mutual Defense Pact * (USA)
#17 Ops 3: De Gaulle Leads France * (USSR)
#5 Ops 3: Five Year Plan (USA)
#1: Asia Scoring
#30 Ops 2: Decolonization (USSR)
#105 Ops 2: Special Relationship (USA)

1 tura: ręka ZSRR;
#9 Ops 2: Vietnam Revolts * (USSR)
#26 Ops 1: CIA Created * (USA)
#10 Ops 1: Blockade * (USSR)
#100 Ops 2: Formosan Resolution * (USA)
#8 Ops 2: Fidel * (USSR)
#16 Ops 3: Warsaw Pact Formed * (USSR)
#34 Ops 4: Nuclear Test Ban
#21 Ops 4: NATO * (USA)
+ China Card

Rozstawienie dodatkowych punktów;
ZSSR 6 punktów w Europie -
3 USSR influence added to Poland, now at 3
3 USSR influence added to Austria, now at 3

USA 7 pkt. -
4 USA influence added to West Germany, now at 4
3 USA influence added to Italy, now at 3

1 tura - Headline;
Soviet Headline Card: #10 Ops 1: Blockade * (USSR)
American Headline Card: #5 Ops 3: Five Year Plan (USA)

USA Headline Event: #5 Ops 3: Five Year Plan (USA)
The Americans play the following card as an Event:
#5 Ops 3: Five Year Plan (USA)
The Soviet player discards the following card:
#34 Ops 4: Nuclear Test Ban
Dobre losowanie usuwające mocną kartę z ręki oponenta

USSR Headline Event: #10 Ops 1: Blockade * (USSR)
The Soviets play the following card as an Event:
#10 Ops 1: Blockade * (USSR)
** The Blockade card is permanently removed. **
The US player discards the following card to avoid losing all Influence in West Germany:
#17 Ops 3: De Gaulle Leads France * (USSR)
Chyba za wcześnie na Blokadę w tej fazie gry

1 runda ZSRR
The Soviets play the following card for a coup attempt:
#21 Ops 4: NATO * (USA)
Coup attempt in Iran (stability 2):
** USSR die roll = 5 (+4) = 9
The modified roll exceeds the doubled stability by 5.
American influence in Iran reduced by 1, now at 0
Soviet influence in Iran increased by 4, now at 4
DEFCON Level lowered to 4
Soviet Military Operations for this turn increased to 4
Jeden z żelaznych celów pierwszego przewrotu ZSRR i jedyna poważna alternatywa dla Włoch

1 runda USA
#27 Ops 4: US/Japan Mutual Defense Pact * (USA)
2 USA influence added to South Korea, now at 3
1 USA influence added to Indonesia, now at 1
1 USA influence added to Malaysia, now at 1
Można też na wydarzenie, ale wtedy miałbym kontrolę tylko nad Japonią, a tak mam nad 1 państwem strategicznym, jednym zwykłym i otwieram sobie drogę do ekspansji na resztę Azji Płd.-Wsch.

2 runda ZSRR
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#16 Ops 3: Warsaw Pact Formed * (USSR)
1 USSR influence added to Syria, now at 2
2 USSR influence added to Afghanistan, now at 2

2 runda USA
The Americans play the following card for a coup attempt:
#14 Ops 3: Comecon * (USSR)
Coup attempt in Afghanistan (stability 2):
** USA die roll = 1 (+3) = 4
The modified roll does not exceed the doubled stability -- no effect.
American Military Operations for this turn increased to 3
Dosyć ważny przewrót i 1 nieudany rzut dla USA
The Soviets use the USSR event played by the USA

** The Comecon card is permanently removed. **

Soviet influence in Austria increased by 1, now at 4
Soviet influence in East Germany increased by 1, now at 4
Soviet influence in Poland increased by 1, now at 4
Soviet influence in Yugoslavia increased by 1, now at 1

3 runda ZSRR
The Soviets play the following card as an Event:
#9 Ops 2: Vietnam Revolts * (USSR)
** The Vietnam Revolts card is permanently removed. **

Soviet influence in Vietnam increased by 2, now at 2

3 runda USA
The Americans play the following card as an Event:
#1: Asia Scoring

*** Scoring in Asia ***
USSR: 3(presence) +1 [Korea Płn.](battlegrounds) = 4
USA: 3(presence) +1 [Korea Płd.] (battlegrounds) = 4

Uznałem że nie ma co czekać, bo remis w takim podliczaniu jest jak zwycięstwo

4 runda ZSRR
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#100 Ops 2: Formosan Resolution * (USA)
1 USSR influence added to Lebanon, now at 1
1 USSR influence added to Vietnam, now at 3
The Americans use the USA event played by the USSR

** The Formosan Resolution card is permanently removed. **

Taiwan shall be treated as a Battleground country for scoring purposes, if the US
controls Taiwan when the Asian Scoring Card is played. Taiwan is not a battleground
country for any other game purpose. This card is discarded after US play of The China Card.

4 runda USA
The Americans play the following card for a coup attempt:
#105 Ops 2: Special Relationship (USA)
Coup attempt in Iran (stability 2):
** USA die roll = 6 (+2) = 8
The modified roll exceeds the doubled stability by 4.
Soviet influence in Iran reduced by 4, now at 0
DEFCON Level lowered to 3
American Military Operations for this turn increased to 5
Coś podobnego!

5 runda ZSRR
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#6 Ops 4: The China Card
5 USSR influence added to Thailand, now at 5
1 USSR influence added to Laos/Cambodia, now at 1

Kumulacja bonusów Vietnam Revolts użytych w Azji Płd.Wsch. i China Card użytej w Azji

5 runda USA
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#28 Ops 3: Suez Crisis * (USSR)
2 USA influence added to Israel, now at 3
1 USA influence added to Jordan, now at 1
The Soviets use the USSR event played by the USA

** The Suez Crisis card is permanently removed. **

American influence in Israel reduced by 2, now at 1
American influence in United Kingdom reduced by 2, now at 3

6 runda ZSRR
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#26 Ops 1: CIA Created * (USA)
1 USSR influence added to Israel, now at 1
The Americans use the USA event played by the USSR
** The CIA Created card is permanently removed. **

The American gets to look at the Soviet Hand:

USSR Strategy Hand
#8 Ops 2: Fidel * (USSR)

Coup attempt in Lebanon (stability 1):
** USA die roll = 4 (+1) = 5
The modified roll exceeds the doubled stability by 3.
Soviet influence in Lebanon reduced by 1, now at 0
American influence in Lebanon increased by 2, now at 2

6 runda USA
Forced Card Play: #30 Ops 2: Decolonization (USSR)

The Americans play the following card for an attempt on the Space Race track:
#30 Ops 2: Decolonization (USSR)
** Space Race Die Roll (1-3 needed): = 4 **
No effect.

Pierwszy nieudany rzut w kosmos, drugi nieudany rzut w ogóle

DEFCON Level raised to 4

Wynik nieczęsto spotykany po 1 turze remis (0 VP)

2 tura; ręka USA;
#29 Ops 3: East European Unrest (USA)
#106 Ops 3: NORAD * (USA)
#110 Ops 2: The Cambridge Five (USSR)
#2: Europe Scoring
#11 Ops 2: Korean War * (USSR)
#22 Ops 2: Independent Reds * (USA)
#4 Ops 3: Duck and Cover (USA)
#13 Ops 2: Arab-Israeli War (USSR)
+ China Card

2 tura; ręka ZSRR
#8 Ops 2: Fidel * (USSR)
#7 Ops 3: Socialist Governments (USSR)
#23 Ops 4: Marshall Plan * (USA)
#12 Ops 1: Romanian Abdication * (USSR)
#3: Middle East Scoring
#32 Ops 1: UN Intervention
#18 Ops 1: Captured Nazi Scientists *
#19 Ops 1: Truman Doctrine * (USA)

Soviet Headline Card: #19 Ops 1: Truman Doctrine * (USA)
American Headline Card: #29 Ops 3: East European Unrest (USA)

USA Headline Event: #29 Ops 3: East European Unrest (USA)

The Americans play the following card as an Event:
#29 Ops 3: East European Unrest (USA)
Soviet influence in Austria reduced by 1, now at 3
Soviet influence in East Germany reduced by 1, now at 3
Soviet influence in Yugoslavia reduced by 1, now at 0

USSR Headline Event: #19 Ops 1: Truman Doctrine * (USA)

** The Truman Doctrine card is permanently removed. **

Soviet influence in Austria now at 0

Cóż za szczęśliwy dla USA układ, usunięto 6 punktów wpływów ZSRR w Europie, w tym z 2 państw całkowicie

1 runda ZSRR
The Soviets play the following card for a coup attempt:
#8 Ops 2: Fidel * (USSR)
Coup attempt in Lebanon (stability 1):
** USSR die roll = 3 (+2) = 5
The modified roll exceeds the doubled stability by 3.
American influence in Lebanon reduced by 2, now at 0
Soviet influence in Lebanon increased by 1, now at 1
Soviet Military Operations for this turn increased to 2

1 runda USA
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#6 Ops 4: The China Card
4 USA influence added to Iraq, now at 4

2 runda ZSRR
The Soviets play the following card for Ops:
#23 Ops 4: Marshall Plan * (USA)
They also play UN Intervention to cancel the American event

The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#23 Ops 4: Marshall Plan * (USA)
2 USSR influence added to Iran, now at 2
1 USSR influence added to Saudi Arabia, now at 1
1 USSR influence added to Egypt, now at 1

2 runda USA
The Americans play the following card for a coup attempt:
#13 Ops 2: Arab-Israeli War (USSR)
Coup attempt in Iran (stability 2):
** USA die roll = 1 (+2) = 3
The modified roll does not exceed the doubled stability -- no effect.
DEFCON Level lowered to 3
American Military Operations for this turn increased to 2
The Soviets use the USSR event played by the USA
USSR success on a modified die roll of 4-6; USA modifer is -0
** Die roll: 6 -- USSR victory!
VPs down 2, now at -2
American influence in Israel reduced by 1, now at 0
Soviet influence in Israel increased by 1, now at 2
Soviet Military Operations for this turn increased to 4
3 nieudany rzut, 2 na przewrót i oczywiście jeszcze czerwona zaraza w Izrealu

3 runda ZSRR
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#7 Ops 3: Socialist Governments (USSR)
2 USSR influence added to Israel, now at 4
1 USSR influence added to Egypt, now at 2

3 runda USA
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#4 Ops 3: Duck and Cover (USA)
3 USA influence added to France, now at 3
Ostra walka była na Bliskim Wschodzie a tu powrót do Europy

4 runda ZSRR
The Soviets play the following card as an Event:
#3: Middle East Scoring

*** Scoring in Middle East ***
USSR: 5(domination) +3 Egipt, Izrael, Iran(battlegrounds) = 8
USA: 3(presence) +1 Irak(battlegrounds) = 4
VPs down 4, now at -6

4 runda USA
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#106 Ops 3: NORAD * (USA)
2 USA influence added to Greece, now at 2
1 USA influence added to West Germany, now at 5

5 runda ZSRR
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#12 Ops 1: Romanian Abdication * (USSR)
1 USSR influence added to Saudi Arabia, now at 2

5 runda USA
The Americans play the following card as an Event:
#2: Europe Scoring

*** Scoring in Europe ***
USSR: 3(presence - tylko dwa kraje pod kontrolą) +2 Polska, NRD(battlegrounds) = 5
USA: 7(domination - 4 kraje pod kontrolą) +3 RFN, włochy, Francja (battlegrounds) = 10
VPs up 5, now at -1

6 runda ZSRR
#18 Ops 1: Captured Nazi Scientists *

** The Captured Nazi Scientists card is permanently removed. **

USSR progress on the Space Race Track is now at Earth Satellite
VPs down 2, now at -3

6 runda USA
The Americans play the following card for a coup attempt:
#110 Ops 2: The Cambridge Five (USSR)
Coup attempt in Iran (stability 2):
** USA die roll = 6 (+2) = 8
The modified roll exceeds the doubled stability by 4.
Soviet influence in Iran reduced by 2, now at 0
American influence in Iran increased by 2, now at 2
DEFCON Level lowered to 2
American Military Operations for this turn increased to 4
The Soviets use the USSR event played by the USA
No scoring cards in the USA hand: no effect.
Powtórka z 4 rundy 1 tury ;)
DEFCON Level raised to 3

- 3 VP dla ZSRR po 2 turze


3 tura; ręka USA;
#11 Ops 2: Korean War * (USSR)
#22 Ops 2: Independent Reds * (USA)
#24 Ops 2: Indo-Pakistani War
#33 Ops 3: De-Stalinization * (USSR)
#15 Ops 1: Nasser * (USSR)
#29 Ops 3: East European Unrest (USA)
#27 Ops 4: US/Japan Mutual Defense Pact * (USA)
#4 Ops 3: Duck and Cover (USA)

3 tura; ręka ZSRR;
#31 Ops 4: Red Scare/Purge
#25 Ops 3: Containment * (USA)
#102 Ops 2: Defectors (USA)
#20 Ops 2: Olympic Games
#34 Ops 4: Nuclear Test Ban
#32 Ops 1: UN Intervention
#110 Ops 2: The Cambridge Five (USSR)
#1: Asia Scoring
+ China Card

Soviet Headline Card: #31 Ops 4: Red Scare/Purge
American Headline Card: #29 Ops 3: East European Unrest (USA)

USSR Headline Event: #31 Ops 4: Red Scare/Purge
The Soviets play the following card as an Event:
#31 Ops 4: Red Scare/Purge
-1 to Ops value of American cards this turn (minimum 1 OP)

USA Headline Event: #29 Ops 3: East European Unrest (USA)
The Americans play the following card as an Event:
#29 Ops 3: East European Unrest (USA)
Soviet influence in Finland reduced by 1, now at 0
Soviet influence in East Germany reduced by 1, now at 2
Soviet influence in Poland reduced by 1, now at 3

1 runda ZSRR
The Soviets play the following card for a coup attempt:
#34 Ops 4: Nuclear Test Ban
Coup attempt in Iran (stability 2):
** USSR die roll = 6 (+4) = 10
The modified roll exceeds the doubled stability by 6.
American influence in Iran reduced by 2, now at 0
Soviet influence in Iran increased by 4, now at 4
DEFCON Level lowered to 2
Soviet Military Operations for this turn increased to 4

1 runda USA
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#27 Ops 4: US/Japan Mutual Defense Pact * (USA)
3 USA influence added to East Germany, now at 3

2 runda ZSRR
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#6 Ops 4: The China Card
4 USSR influence added to East Germany, now at 6

2 runda USA
The Americans play the following card for Ops
#15 Ops 1: Nasser * (USSR)
They elect to have the Soviet event occur first.

** The Nasser card is permanently removed. **

Soviet influence in Egypt increased by 2, now at 4

The Americans use the Nasser card to place influence:
1 USA influence added to Jordan, now at 2

3 runda ZSRR
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#110 Ops 2: The Cambridge Five (USSR)
1 USSR influence added to Saudi Arabia, now at 3
1 USSR influence added to Turkey, now at 1

3 runda USA
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#4 Ops 3: Duck and Cover (USA)
1 USA influence added to Turkey, now at 1
1 USA influence added to Malaysia, now at 2

4 runda ZSRR
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#20 Ops 2: Olympic Games
2 USSR influence added to Pakistan, now at 2

4 runda USA
The Americans play the following card for an attempt on the Space Race track:
#33 Ops 3: De-Stalinization * (USSR)
** Space Race Die Roll (1-3 needed): = 5 **
No effect.

5 runda ZSRR
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#25 Ops 3: Containment * (USA)
3 USSR influence added to India, now at 3
The Americans use the USA event played by the USSR

** The Containment card is permanently removed. **

All further operations cards played by US this turn add one to their value (to a maximum of 4).

5 runda USA
The Americans play the following card as an Event:
#24 Ops 2: Indo-Pakistani War

Pakistan invades India...
USA success on a modified die roll of 4-6; USSR modifer is -1
** Die roll: 1 (-1) = 0 -- no effect **
American Military Operations for this turn increased to 2

6 runda ZSRR
The Soviets play the following card as an Event:
#1: Asia Scoring

*** Scoring in Asia ***
USSR: 7(domination) +4 Pakistan, Indie, Korea Płn. Tajlandia(battlegrounds) = 11
USA: 3(presence) +1 Korea Płd.(battlegrounds) = 4
VPs down 7, now at -10

6 runda USA
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#22 Ops 2: Independent Reds * (USA)
1 USA influence added to East Germany, now at 4
** The Mid War cards are added to the deck **

- 10 dla ZSRR po 3 turze
Solidne baty w Azji, ale karty marne, jedyny pozytyw że ZSRR w odwrocie w Europie


4 tura; ręka USA;
#11 Ops 2: Korean War * (USSR)
#60 Ops 3: U-2 Incident * (USSR)
#21 Ops 4: NATO * (USA)
#16 Ops 3: Warsaw Pact Formed * (USSR)
#44 Ops 3: Bear Trap * (USA)
#43 Ops 3: SALT Negotiations *
#68 Ops 2: John Paul II Elected Pope * (USA)
#50 Ops 4: 'We Will Bury You' * (USSR)
#2: Europe Scoring
+ China Card

4 tura; ręka ZSRR;
#102 Ops 2: Defectors (USA)
#32 Ops 1: UN Intervention
#62 Ops 1: 'Lone Gunman' * (USSR)
#58 Ops 3: Cultural Revolution * (USSR)
#49 Ops 2: Missile Envy
#78 Ops 3: Alliance for Progress * (USA)
#70 Ops 1: OAS Founded * (USA)
#52 Ops 2: Portuguese Empire Crumbles * (USSR)
#55 Ops 2: Willy Brandt * (USSR)

Widząc swoje mocne karty, postanowiłem zagrać va banque I spróbować wygrać grę przed czasem dzięki absolutnej kontroli Europy podczas zliczania, najpierw obezwładnić pułapką na niedźwiedzia i potem zaatakować, niestety do sukcesu potrzebna była dłużej działająca Bear Trap a dodatkowo ZSRR miało w ręce niespodziankę…

Soviet Headline Card: #62 Ops 1: 'Lone Gunman' * (USSR)
American Headline Card: #44 Ops 3: Bear Trap * (USA)

USA Headline Event: #44 Ops 3: Bear Trap * (USA)

The Americans play the following card as an Event:
#44 Ops 3: Bear Trap * (USA)

** The Bear Trap card is permanently removed. **

On the next action round, USSR player must discard an Operations card worth
2 or more and roll less than 5. Repeat each USSR player phase until successful
or no appropriate cards remain. If out of appropriate cards, the USSR Player may
only play scoring cards until the next turn.

USSR Headline Event: #62 Ops 1: 'Lone Gunman' * (USSR)
The Soviets play the following card as an Event:
#62 Ops 1: 'Lone Gunman' * (USSR)

** The 'Lone Gunman' card is permanently removed. **

The Soviet gets to look at the American Hand:

The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#62 Ops 1: 'Lone Gunman' * (USSR)
1 USSR influence added to East Germany, now at 7
Nosz fak

1 runda ZSRR
The USSR discards the following card because of Bear Trap:
#78 Ops 3: Alliance for Progress * (USA)
Bear Trap ends on a die roll of 1-4: ** Die Roll = 3 -- The Bear Trap is over!
Nosz faaak

1 runda USA
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#50 Ops 4: 'We Will Bury You' * (USSR)
3 USA influence added to East Germany, now at 7
The Soviets use the USSR event played by the USA

** The 'We Will Bury You' card is permanently removed. **

Unless UN Intervention is played as an Event on the US player's next round, USSR gains 3 VP.
DEFCON Level lowered to 2

2 runda ZSRR
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#58 Ops 3: Cultural Revolution * (USSR)
3 USSR influence added to East Germany, now at 10

2 runda USA
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#21 Ops 4: NATO * (USA)
3 USA influence added to East Germany, now at 10
The USA did not play UN Intervention
VPs down 3, now at -13

3 runda ZSRR
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#52 Ops 2: Portuguese Empire Crumbles * (USSR)
2 USSR influence added to East Germany, now at 12

3 runda USA
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#6 Ops 4: The China Card
4 USA influence added to East Germany, now at 14

4 runda ZSRR
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#55 Ops 2: Willy Brandt * (USSR)
2 USSR influence added to East Germany, now at 14

4 runda USA
The Americans play the following card as an Event:
#68 Ops 2: John Paul II Elected Pope * (USA)

** The John Paul II Elected Pope card is permanently removed. **

Soviet influence in Poland reduced by 2, now at 1
American influence in Poland increased by 1, now at 1

5 runda ZSRR
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#102 Ops 2: Defectors (USA)
2 USSR influence added to Poland, now at 3
The Americans use the USA event played by the USSR
VPs up 1, now at -12

5 runda USA
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#43 Ops 3: SALT Negotiations *
3 USA influence added to Poland, now at 4

6 runda ZSRR
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#49 Ops 2: Missile Envy
2 USSR influence added to Poland, now at 5

6 runda USA
The Americans play the following card as an Event:
#2: Europe Scoring

*** Scoring in Europe ***
USSR: No score.
USA: 7(domination) +3(battlegrounds) = 10 wpływy NRD 14/14 , Polska 4/5
VPs up 10, now at -2

7 runda ZSRR
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#70 Ops 1: OAS Founded * (USA)
1 USSR influence added to East Germany, now at 15

The Soviets play the following card as an Event:
#32 Ops 1: UN Intervention

7 runda USA
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#60 Ops 3: U-2 Incident * (USSR)
3 USA influence added to Poland, now at 7
The Soviets use the USSR event played by the USA

** The U-2 Incident card is permanently removed. **

VPs down 1, now at -3
If UN intervention played later this turn as an Event, Soviets gain an additional 1 VP.
The Americans are 2 military operations short of the DEFCON requirement of 2
The Soviets are 2 military operations short of the DEFCON requirement of 2
DEFCON Level raised to 3

- 3 VP na koniec 4 tury
Wygrać się nie udało ale i tak można być zadowolonym


5 tura; ręka USA;
#11 Ops 2: Korean War * (USSR)
#16 Ops 3: Warsaw Pact Formed * (USSR)
#53 Ops 2: South African Unrest (USSR)
#63 Ops 2: Colonial Rearguards (USA)
#37: Central America Scoring
#45 Ops 1: Summit
#105 Ops 2: Special Relationship (USA)
#65 Ops 2: Camp David Accords * (USA)
#41 Ops 2: Nuclear Subs * (USA)

5 tura; ręka ZSRR;
#66 Ops 2: Puppet Governments * (USA)
#61 Ops 3: OPEC (USSR)
#108 Ops 2: Our Man in Tehran * (USA)
#48 Ops 1: Kitchen Debates * (USA)
#17 Ops 3: De Gaulle Leads France * (USSR)
#72 Ops 1: Sadat Expels Soviets * (USA)
#47 Ops 2: Junta
#71 Ops 2: Nixon Plays the China Card * (USA)
#51 Ops 3: Brezhnev Doctrine * (USSR)
+ China Card

Soviet Headline Card: #51 Ops 3: Brezhnev Doctrine * (USSR)
American Headline Card: #41 Ops 2: Nuclear Subs * (USA)

USSR Headline Event: #51 Ops 3: Brezhnev Doctrine * (USSR)
The Soviets play the following card as an Event:
#51 Ops 3: Brezhnev Doctrine * (USSR)

** The Brezhnev Doctrine card is permanently removed. **

All USSR operations cards increase their value by one (+1) for the remainder
of this turn (Maximum of 4).

USA Headline Event: #41 Ops 2: Nuclear Subs * (USA)
The Americans play the following card as an Event:
#41 Ops 2: Nuclear Subs * (USA)

** The Nuclear Subs card is permanently removed. **

US actions do not affect the DEFCON track for the remainder of this turn
(does not affect Cuban Missile Crisis).

1 runda ZSRR
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#6 Ops 4: The China Card
2 USSR influence added to East Germany, now at 17
2 USSR influence added to Poland, now at 7

1 runda USA
The Americans play the following card for a coup attempt:
#11 Ops 2: Korean War * (USSR)
Coup attempt in Iran (stability 2):
** USA die roll = 2 (+2) = 4
The modified roll does not exceed the doubled stability -- no effect.
DEFCON remains the same due to Nuclear Subs
American Military Operations for this turn increased to 2
The Soviets use the USSR event played by the USA

** The Korean War card is permanently removed. **

USSR success on a modified die roll of 4-6; USA modifer is -0
** Die roll: 2 -- no effect **
Soviet Military Operations for this turn increased to 2

2 runda ZSRR
The Soviets play the following card as an Event:
#61 Ops 3: OPEC (USSR) Egipt, Arabia S. I Iran
VPs down 3, now at -6

2 runda USA
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#105 Ops 2: Special Relationship (USA)
1 USA influence added to Poland, now at 8
1 USA influence added to Panama, now at 2

3 runda ZSRR
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#17 Ops 3: De Gaulle Leads France * (USSR)
4 USSR influence added to Poland, now at 11

3 runda USA
The Americans play the following card as an Event:
#37: Central America Scoring

*** Scoring in Central America ***
USSR: No score.
USA: 1(presence) +1 Panama (battlegrounds) = 2
VPs up 2, now at -4
Mała rzecz a cieszy :D

4 runda ZSRR
The Soviets play the following card for a coup attempt:
#71 Ops 2: Nixon Plays the China Card * (USA)
Coup attempt in Panama (stability 2):
** USSR die roll = 3 (+3) = 6
The modified roll exceeds the doubled stability by 2.
American influence in Panama reduced by 2, now at 0
DEFCON Level lowered to 2
Soviet Military Operations for this turn increased to 5
The Americans use the USA event played by the USSR

** The Nixon Plays the China Card card is permanently removed. **

VPs up 2, now at -2

4 runda USA
The Americans play the following card as an Event:
#63 Ops 2: Colonial Rearguards (USA)
American influence in Nigeria increased by 1, now at 1
American influence in Zaire increased by 1, now at 1
American influence in Laos/Cambodia increased by 1, now at 1
American influence in Philippines increased by 1, now at 2

5 runda ZSRR
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#48 Ops 1: Kitchen Debates * (USA)
1 USSR influence added to Laos/Cambodia, now at 2
1 USSR influence added to Sudan, now at 1
The Americans use the USA event played by the USSR

** The Kitchen Debates card is permanently removed. **

USA controlled Battleground countries = 7
USSR controlled Battleground countries = 10
No effect.

5 runda USA
The Americans play the following card for a coup attempt:
#45 Ops 1: Summit
Coup attempt in Sudan (stability 1):
** USA die roll = 1 (+1) = 2
The modified roll does not exceed the doubled stability -- no effect.
American Military Operations for this turn increased to 3

6 runda ZSRR
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#47 Ops 2: Junta
2 USSR influence added to Libya, now at 2
1 USSR influence added to Burma, now at 1

6 runda USA
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#65 Ops 2: Camp David Accords * (USA)
2 USA influence added to Burma, now at 2

7 runda ZSRR
The Soviets play the following card for Ops
#72 Ops 1: Sadat Expels Soviets * (USA)
They elect to have the American event occur first.

** The Sadat Expels Soviets card is permanently removed. **

Soviet influence in Egypt now at 0
American influence in Egypt increased by 1, now at 1

The Soviets use the Sadat Expels Soviets card to place influence:
2 USSR influence added to Egypt, now at 2

7 runda USA
The Americans play the following card for an attempt on the Space Race track:
#53 Ops 2: South African Unrest (USSR)
** Space Race Die Roll (1-3 needed): = 5 **
No effect.
2 nieskuteczny rzut w kosmos USA

- 2 VP dla ZSRR po 5 turze


6 tura; ręka USA;
#16 Ops 3: Warsaw Pact Formed * (USSR)
#8 Ops 2: Fidel * (USSR)
#42 Ops 3: Quagmire * (USSR)
#75 Ops 2: Liberation Theology (USSR)
#74 Ops 2: The Voice of America (USA)
#30 Ops 2: Decolonization (USSR)
#39 Ops 3: Arms Race
#13 Ops 2: Arab-Israeli War (USSR)
#106 Ops 3: NORAD * (USA)
+ China Card

6 tura; ręka ZSRR;
#66 Ops 2: Puppet Governments * (USA)
#108 Ops 2: Our Man in Tehran * (USA)
#79: Africa Scoring
#40 Ops 3: Cuban Missile Crisis *
#56 Ops 4: Muslim Revolution (USSR)
#12 Ops 1: Romanian Abdication * (USSR)
#35: South America Scoring
#73 Ops 3: Shuttle Diplomacy (USA)
#69 Ops 2: Latin American Death Squads

Soviet Headline Card: #35: South America Scoring
American Headline Card: #74 Ops 2: The Voice of America (USA)

USA Headline Event: #74 Ops 2: The Voice of America (USA)

The Americans play the following card as an Event:
#74 Ops 2: The Voice of America (USA)
Soviet influence in Burma reduced by 1, now at 0
Soviet influence in Laos/Cambodia reduced by 2, now at 0
Soviet influence in Egypt reduced by 1, now at 1

USSR Headline Event: #35: South America Scoring
The Soviets use the South America Scoring card as an Event:

*** Scoring in South America ***
USSR: No score.
USA: No score.

USSR action round 1
The Soviets play the following card for a coup attempt:
#69 Ops 2: Latin American Death Squads
Coup attempt in Zaire (stability 1):
** USSR die roll = 6 (+2) = 8
The modified roll exceeds the doubled stability by 6.
American influence in Zaire reduced by 1, now at 0
Soviet influence in Zaire increased by 5, now at 5
DEFCON Level lowered to 2
Soviet Military Operations for this turn increased to 2

USA action round 1
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#39 Ops 3: Arms Race
1 USA influence added to Angola, now at 1
2 USA influence added to Egypt, now at 3

USSR action round 2
The Soviets play the following card as an Event:
#79: Africa Scoring

*** Scoring in Africa ***
USSR: 1(presence) +1 Zair(battlegrounds) = 2
USA: 1(presence) +2 Angola Nigeria(battlegrounds) = 3
VPs up 1, now at -1
Ziarnko do ziarnka

USA action round 2
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#6 Ops 4: The China Card
4 USA influence added to North Korea, now at 4
na przełamanie…

Turn 6, USSR action round 3
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#40 Ops 3: Cuban Missile Crisis *
3 USSR influence added to North Korea, now at 6
…ale się nie udało, można by jeszcze NORAD poświęcić, ale może lepiej go zagrać an wydarzenie

Turn 6, USA action round 3
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#13 Ops 2: Arab-Israeli War (USSR)
2 USA influence added to Canada, now at 4
The Soviets use the USSR event played by the USA
USSR success on a modified die roll of 4-6; USA modifer is -2
** Die roll: 5 (-2) = 3 -- no effect **
Soviet Military Operations for this turn increased to 4

Turn 6, USSR action round 4
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#73 Ops 3: Shuttle Diplomacy (USA)
1 USSR influence added to North Korea, now at 7
2 USSR influence added to Turkey, now at 3
The Americans use the USA event played by the USSR
Play in front of US player. During the next scoring of the Middle East or Asia
(whichever comes first), subtract one Battleground country from USSR total,
then put this card in the discard pile.
To rodzi ciekawe perspektywy, zwłaszcza w Azji

Turn 6, USA action round 4
The Americans play the following card as an Event:
#106 Ops 3: NORAD * (USA)

** The NORAD card is permanently removed. **

Turn 6, USSR action round 5
The Soviets play the following card for an attempt on the Space Race track:
#108 Ops 2: Our Man in Tehran * (USA)
** Space Race Die Roll (1-4 needed): = 1 **
USSR progress on the Space Race Track is now at Animal in Space
The Soviets may now make two space race attempts per turn

Turn 6, USA action round 5
The Americans play the following card for an attempt on the Space Race track:
#42 Ops 3: Quagmire * (USSR)
** Space Race Die Roll (1-3 needed): = 2 **
USA progress on the Space Race Track is now at Earth Satellite
VPs up 1, now at 0
Znowu remis :D

Turn 6, USSR action round 6

The Soviets play the following card for an attempt on the Space Race track:
#66 Ops 2: Puppet Governments * (USA)
** Space Race Die Roll (1-3 needed): = 6 **
No effect.

Turn 6, USA action round 6
The Americans play the following card for a coup attempt:
#8 Ops 2: Fidel * (USSR)
Coup attempt in Sudan (stability 1):
** USA die roll = 1 (+2) = 3
The modified roll exceeds the doubled stability by 1.
Soviet influence in Sudan reduced by 1, now at 0
American Military Operations for this turn increased to 2
The Soviets use the USSR event played by the USA

** The Fidel card is permanently removed. **

Soviet influence in Cuba now at 3

Turn 6, USSR action round 7
The Soviets play the following card as an Event:
#56 Ops 4: Muslim Revolution (USSR)
American influence in Iraq now at 0
American influence in Jordan now at 0
Ból, tak karta jest straszna

Turn 6, USA action round 7
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#75 Ops 2: Liberation Theology (USSR)
1 USA influence added to Poland, now at 9
The Soviets use the USSR event played by the USA
2 USSR influence added to Panama, now at 2
1 USSR influence added to Nicaragua, now at 1
DEFCON Level raised to 3

0 VP na koniec 6 tury


7 tura; ręka USA;
#16 Ops 3: Warsaw Pact Formed * (USSR)
#30 Ops 2: Decolonization (USSR)
#67 Ops 2: Grain Sales to Soviets (USA)
#23 Ops 4: Marshall Plan * (USA)
#59 Ops 4: Flower Power * (USSR)
#36 Ops 3: Brush War
#46 Ops 2: How I Learned to Stop Worrying *
#38: Southeast Asia Scoring *
#112 Ops 3: Che (USSR)

7 tura; ręka ZSRR;
#12 Ops 1: Romanian Abdication * (USSR)
#54 Ops 1: Allende * (USSR)
#64 Ops 1: Panama Canal Returned * (USA)
#57 Ops 4: ABM Treaty
#77 Ops 3: 'Ask Not What Your Country Can Do for You... * (USA)
#3: Middle East Scoring
#76 Ops 3: Ussuri River Skirmish * (USA)
#7 Ops 3: Socialist Governments (USSR)
#5 Ops 3: Five Year Plan (USA)
+ China Card

Soviet Headline Card: #54 Ops 1: Allende * (USSR)
American Headline Card: #38: Southeast Asia Scoring *

USSR Headline Event: #54 Ops 1: Allende * (USSR)

The Soviets play the following card as an Event:
#54 Ops 1: Allende * (USSR)

** The Allende card is permanently removed. **

Soviet influence in Chile increased by 2, now at 2

USA Headline Event: #38: Southeast Asia Scoring *

The Americans play the following card as an Event:
#38: Southeast Asia Scoring *

** The Southeast Asia Scoring card is permanently removed. **

*** Scoring in Southeast Asia ***
USSR: 2(Thailand) +1(Vietnam) = 3
USA: 1(Burma) +1(Laos/Cambodia) +1(Philippines) +1(Malaysia) +1(Indonesia) = 5
VPs up 2, now at 2
Po raz pierwszy od początku gry USA prowadzi

Turn 7, USSR action round 1
The Soviets play the following card for a coup attempt:
#6 Ops 4: The China Card
Coup attempt in Egypt (stability 2):
** USSR die roll = 6 (+4) = 10
The modified roll exceeds the doubled stability by 6.
American influence in Egypt reduced by 3, now at 0
Soviet influence in Egypt increased by 3, now at 4
DEFCON Level lowered to 2
Soviet Military Operations for this turn increased to 4
*** NORAD -- the US may place 1 influence anywhere they already have influence ***
American influence in Poland increased by 1, now at 10

Turn 7, USA action round 1
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#23 Ops 4: Marshall Plan * (USA)
4 USA influence added to Poland, now at 14

Turn 7, USSR action round 2
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#57 Ops 4: ABM Treaty
3 USSR influence added to Poland, now at 14

Turn 7, USA action round 2
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#112 Ops 3: Che (USSR)
3 USA influence added to Poland, now at 17
The Soviets use the USSR event played by the USA

Turn 7, USSR action round 3
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#76 Ops 3: Ussuri River Skirmish * (USA)
2 USSR influence added to East Germany, now at 19
1 USSR influence added to Austria, now at 1
The Americans use the USA event played by the USSR

** The Ussuri River Skirmish card is permanently removed. **

2 USA influence added to Pakistan, now at 2
2 USA influence added to North Korea, now at 6
Bolesna dla ZSRR karta

Turn 7, USA action round 3
The Americans play the following card as an Event:
#36 Ops 3: Brush War
The target country is Panama
USA success on a modified die roll of 3-6; USSR is -0
** Die roll: 1 -- no effect **
American Military Operations for this turn increased to 3

Turn 7, USSR action round 4
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#12 Ops 1: Romanian Abdication * (USSR)
1 USSR influence added to Pakistan, now at 3

Turn 7, USA action round 4
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#59 Ops 4: Flower Power * (USSR)
3 USA influence added to Pakistan, now at 5
1 USA influence added to North Korea, now at 7
The Soviets use the USSR event played by the USA

** The Flower Power card is permanently removed. **

USSR gains 2 VP for every subsequently US played 'War' Event Card
(Arab-Israeli War, Korean War, Brush War, Indo- Pakistani War or Iran- Iraq War), unless
the card is played on the Space Race, or the war made unplayable by a subsequent card.
This event cancelled by 'An Evil Empire'.

Turn 7, USSR action round 5
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#7 Ops 3: Socialist Governments (USSR)
3 USSR influence added to North Korea, now at 10

Turn 7, USA action round 5
The Americans play the following card as an Event:
#67 Ops 2: Grain Sales to Soviets (USA)
Card selected from USSR hand: #5 Ops 3: Five Year Plan (USA)
The USA Player elects to keep and play the card.

The Americans play the following card as an Event:
#5 Ops 3: Five Year Plan (USA)
The Soviet player discards the following card:
#3: Middle East Scoring
Akcja partii - coś niesamowitego!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Turn 7, USSR action round 6
The Soviets play the following card for Ops
#64 Ops 1: Panama Canal Returned * (USA)
They elect to have the American event occur first.

** The Panama Canal Returned card is permanently removed. **

American influence in Panama increased by 1, now at 1
American influence in Costa Rica increased by 1, now at 1
American influence in Venezuela increased by 1, now at 1

The Soviets use the Panama Canal Returned card to place influence:
1 USSR influence added to East Germany, now at 20

Turn 7, USA action round 6
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#46 Ops 2: How I Learned to Stop Worrying *
2 USA influence added to Venezuela, now at 3

Turn 7, USSR action round 7
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#77 Ops 3: 'Ask Not What Your Country Can Do for You... * (USA)
1 USSR influence added to Chile, now at 3
1 USSR influence added to Colombia, now at 1
1 USSR influence added to East Germany, now at 21
The Americans use the USA event played by the USSR

** The 'Ask Not What Your Country Can Do for You... card is permanently removed. **

The American player does not choose to discard any cards.

Turn 7, USA action round 7
The Americans play the following card for an attempt on the Space Race track:
#30 Ops 2: Decolonization (USSR)
** Space Race Die Roll (1-4 needed): = 1 **
USA progress on the Space Race Track is now at Animal in Space
The Soviets may no longer make two space race attempts per turn
3 nieudany rzut w kosmos

+ 2 VP dla USA po 7 turze


8 tura; ręka;
#16 Ops 3: Warsaw Pact Formed * (USSR)
#80 Ops 2: 'One Small Step...'
#98 Ops 3: Pershing II Deployed * (USSR)
#95 Ops 2: Latin American Debt Crisis (USSR)
#93 Ops 2: Iran-Contra Scandal * (USSR)
#88 Ops 2: Marine Barracks Bombing * (USSR)
#92 Ops 2: Terrorism
#107 Ops 3: AWACS Sale to Saudis * (USA)
#82 Ops 3: Iranian Hostage Crisis * (USSR)
+ China Card

8 tura; ręka ZSRR;
#97 Ops 3: 'An Evil Empire' * (USA)
#99 Ops 4: Wargames *
#86 Ops 3: North Sea Oil * (USA)
#96 Ops 3: 'Tear Down this Wall' * (USA)
#84 Ops 2: Reagan Bombs Libya * (USA)
#85 Ops 2: Star Wars * (USA)
#90 Ops 4: Glasnost * (USSR)
#81 Ops 2: Solidarity * (USA)
#111 Ops 2: Yuri and Samantha * (USSR)

Patologiczne rozdanie w którym mieliśmy większość kart przeciwnika I pozostawała kwestia kto lepiej je zneutralizuje

Soviet Headline Card: #85 Ops 2: Star Wars * (USA)
American Headline Card: #95 Ops 2: Latin American Debt Crisis (USSR)

USA Headline Event: #95 Ops 2: Latin American Debt Crisis (USSR)
The US player discards the following card to avoid the penalty:
#98 Ops 3: Pershing II Deployed * (USSR)

USSR Headline Event: #85 Ops 2: Star Wars * (USA)
The event cannot be played right now--the card is placed in the discard pile.

Turn 8, USSR action round 1
The Soviets play the following card for realignment rolls:
#97 Ops 3: 'An Evil Empire' * (USA)

Realignment roll in Venezuela: USSR modifier = +1, USA modifier = +1
** USSR die roll = 3 (+1) = 4
** USA die roll = 6 (+1) = 7

Realignment roll in Venezuela: USSR modifier = +1, USA modifier = +1
** USSR die roll = 1 (+1) = 2
** USA die roll = 6 (+1) = 7

Realignment roll in Venezuela: USSR modifier = +1, USA modifier = +1
** USSR die roll = 1 (+1) = 2
** USA die roll = 4 (+1) = 5
The Americans use the USA event played by the USSR

** The 'An Evil Empire' card is permanently removed. **

VPs up 1, now at 3

Turn 8, USA action round 1
The Americans play the following card for Ops
#88 Ops 2: Marine Barracks Bombing * (USSR)
They elect to have the Soviet event occur first.

** The Marine Barracks Bombing card is permanently removed. **

American influence in Lebanon now at 0

** The Marine Barracks Bombing card is permanently removed. **

The Americans use the Marine Barracks Bombing card for a coup attempt:
Coup attempt in Libya (stability 2):
** USA die roll = 5 (+2) = 7
The modified roll exceeds the doubled stability by 3.
Soviet influence in Libya reduced by 2, now at 0
American influence in Libya increased by 1, now at 1
DEFCON Level lowered to 2
American Military Operations for this turn increased to 2
*** NORAD -- the US may place 1 influence anywhere they already have influence ***
American influence in Libya increased by 1, now at 2

Silver się pomylił I w obawie przed NORAD-em nie zagrał przewrotu w kraju strategicznym, wykorzystałem to uderzając na Libię I jeszcze za punkt z NORADU ją przejąłem

Turn 8, USSR action round 2
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#84 Ops 2: Reagan Bombs Libya * (USA)
2 USSR influence added to Argentina, now at 2
The Americans use the USA event played by the USSR

** The Reagan Bombs Libya card is permanently removed. **

Turn 8, USA action round 2
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#107 Ops 3: AWACS Sale to Saudis * (USA)
3 USA influence added to Brazil, now at 3

Turn 8, USSR action round 3
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#111 Ops 2: Yuri and Samantha * (USSR)
1 USSR influence added to Panama, now at 3
1 USSR influence added to India, now at 4

Turn 8, USA action round 3
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#6 Ops 4: The China Card
4 USA influence added to North Korea, now at 11

Turn 8, USSR action round 4
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#99 Ops 4: Wargames *
4 USSR influence added to North Korea, now at 14
Zawsze coś musi mieć w zanadrzu %$#&@

Turn 8, USA action round 4
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#82 Ops 3: Iranian Hostage Crisis * (USSR)
2 USA influence added to North Korea, now at 13
The Soviets use the USSR event played by the USA

** The Iranian Hostage Crisis card is permanently removed. **

American influence in Iran now at 0
Soviet influence in Iran increased by 2, now at 6

Turn 8, USSR action round 5
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#90 Ops 4: Glasnost * (USSR)
2 USSR influence added to North Korea, now at 16
1 USSR influence added to Poland, now at 15

Turn 8, USA action round 5
The Americans play the following card for an attempt on the Space Race track:
#16 Ops 3: Warsaw Pact Formed * (USSR)
** Space Race Die Roll (1-3 needed): = 2 **
USA progress on the Space Race Track is now at Lunar Probe
VPs up 2, now at 5
Długo tą kartę chomikowałem bo zrobiła się bardzo niebezpieczna z powodu tego że mogła skasować wszystkie moje wpływy w NRD I Polsce, ale w końcu postanowiłem sie jej pozbyć

Turn 8, USSR action round 6
The Soviets play the following card for an attempt on the Space Race track:
#96 Ops 3: 'Tear Down this Wall' * (USA)
** Space Race Die Roll (1-3 needed): = 4 **
No effect.

Turn 8, USA action round 6
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#80 Ops 2: 'One Small Step...'
1 USA influence added to Pakistan, now at 6
1 USA influence added to Libya, now at 3

Turn 8, USSR action round 7
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#81 Ops 2: Solidarity * (USA)
2 USSR influence added to Poland, now at 17
The Americans use the USA event played by the USSR

** The Solidarity card is permanently removed. **

American influence in Poland increased by 3, now at 20
No i przejęta kontrola również nad Polską

Turn 8, USA action round 7
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#93 Ops 2: Iran-Contra Scandal * (USSR)
1 USA influence added to South Korea, now at 4
1 USA influence added to Libya, now at 4
The Soviets use the USSR event played by the USA

** The Iran-Contra Scandal card is permanently removed. **

All US Realignment rolls have a -1 die roll modifier for the remainder of the turn.
The Soviets are 2 military operations short of the DEFCON requirement of 2
VPs up 2, now at 7
DEFCON Level raised to 3

+7 VP dla USA po 8 turze


9 tura; ręka USA;
#92 Ops 2: Terrorism
#87 Ops 3: The Reformer * (USSR)
#91 Ops 2: Ortega Elected in Nicaragua * (USSR)
#94 Ops 3: Chernobyl * (USA)
#36 Ops 3: Brush War
#56 Ops 4: Muslim Revolution (USSR)
#78 Ops 3: Alliance for Progress * (USA)
#52 Ops 2: Portuguese Empire Crumbles * (USSR)
#23 Ops 4: Marshall Plan * (USA)

9 tura; ręka ZSRR;
#87 Ops 3: The Reformer * (USSR)
#91 Ops 2: Ortega Elected in Nicaragua * (USSR)
#94 Ops 3: Chernobyl * (USA)
#36 Ops 3: Brush War
#56 Ops 4: Muslim Revolution (USSR)
#78 Ops 3: Alliance for Progress * (USA)
#52 Ops 2: Portuguese Empire Crumbles * (USSR)
#23 Ops 4: Marshall Plan * (USA)
#109 Ops 3: Aldrich Ames Remix * (USSR)
+ China Card

Soviet Headline Card: #109 Ops 3: Aldrich Ames Remix * (USSR)
American Headline Card: #92 Ops 2: Terrorism

USSR Headline Event: #109 Ops 3: Aldrich Ames Remix * (USSR)
The Soviets play the following card as an Event:
#109 Ops 3: Aldrich Ames Remix * (USSR)

** The Aldrich Ames Remix card is permanently removed. **

Card discarded: #94 Ops 3: Chernobyl * (USA)
The USA must play with his hand exposed for the remainder of the turn

USA Headline Event: #92 Ops 2: Terrorism
The Americans play the following card as an Event:
#92 Ops 2: Terrorism
The USSR discards #86 Ops 3: North Sea Oil * (USA)
** Turn 9 Action Phase **

Turn 9, USSR action round 1
The Soviets play the following card for a coup attempt:
#6 Ops 4: The China Card
Coup attempt in Brazil (stability 2):
** USSR die roll = 2 (+4) = 6
The modified roll exceeds the doubled stability by 2.
American influence in Brazil reduced by 2, now at 1
DEFCON Level lowered to 2
Soviet Military Operations for this turn increased to 4
*** NORAD -- the US may place 1 influence anywhere they already have influence ***
American influence in Brazil increased by 1, now at 2
Uff było blisko

Turn 9, USA action round 1
The Americans play the following card as an Event:
#36 Ops 3: Brush War
The target country is Argentina
USA success on a modified die roll of 3-6; USSR is -1
** Die roll: 5 (-1) = 4 -- USA victory!
VPs up 1, now at 8
Soviet influence in Argentina reduced by 2, now at 0
American influence in Argentina increased by 2, now at 2
American Military Operations for this turn increased to 3

Turn 9, USSR action round 2
The Soviets play the following card for Ops
#83 Ops 3: The Iron Lady * (USA)
They elect to have the American event occur first.

** The The Iron Lady card is permanently removed. **

Soviet influence in Argentina increased by 1, now at 1
Soviet influence in United Kingdom now at 0
VPs up 1, now at 9

The Soviets use the The Iron Lady card to place influence:
2 USSR influence added to Angola, now at 2
Tu był ten chyba błąd że Silver nie mógł dodać wpływów w Argentynie

Turn 9, USA action round 2
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#78 Ops 3: Alliance for Progress * (USA)
1 USA influence added to Argentina, now at 3
2 USA influence added to South Africa, now at 3

Turn 9, USSR action round 3
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#69 Ops 2: Latin American Death Squads
1 USSR influence added to Honduras, now at 1
1 USSR influence added to Cameroon, now at 1

Turn 9, USA action round 3
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#23 Ops 4: Marshall Plan * (USA)
1 USA influence added to Italy, now at 4
1 USA influence added to West Germany, now at 6
2 USA influence added to Mexico, now at 2

Turn 9, USSR action round 4
The Soviets play the following card as an Event:
#101 Ops 2: Iran-Iraq War *

** The Iran-Iraq War card is permanently removed. **

Iran invades Iraq...
USSR success on a modified die roll of 4-6; USA modifer is -0
** Die roll: 4 -- USSR victory!
VPs down 2, now at 7
Soviet Military Operations for this turn increased to 5

Turn 9, USA action round 4
The Americans play the following card for an attempt on the Space Race track:
#56 Ops 4: Muslim Revolution (USSR)
** Space Race Die Roll (1-4 needed): = 6 **
No effect.
4 nieudany rzut w kosmos :(

Turn 9, USSR action round 5
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#12 Ops 1: Romanian Abdication * (USSR)
1 USSR influence added to North Korea, now at 17

Turn 9, USA action round 5
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#87 Ops 3: The Reformer * (USSR)
2 USA influence added to Poland, now at 22
1 USA influence added to Greece, now at 3
The Soviets use the USSR event played by the USA

** The The Reformer card is permanently removed. **

2 USSR influence added to Poland, now at 19
2 USSR influence added to France, now at 2

Turn 9, USSR action round 6
The Soviets play the following card as an Event:
#90 Ops 4: Glasnost * (USSR)

** The Glasnost card is permanently removed. **

VPs down 2, now at 5
DEFCON Level raised to 3

The Soviets play the following card for realignment rolls:
#90 Ops 4: Glasnost * (USSR)

Realignment roll in Argentina: USSR modifier = +1, USA modifier = +1
** USSR die roll = 2 (+1) = 3
** USA die roll = 6 (+1) = 7
Soviet influence in Argentina reduced by 1, now at 0

Realignment roll in South Africa: USSR modifier = +1, USA modifier = +1
** USSR die roll = 1 (+1) = 2
** USA die roll = 6 (+1) = 7

Realignment roll in South Africa: USSR modifier = +1, USA modifier = +1
** USSR die roll = 1 (+1) = 2
** USA die roll = 1 (+1) = 2
No effect.

Realignment roll in Argentina: USSR modifier = +1, USA modifier = +1
** USSR die roll = 4 (+1) = 5
** USA die roll = 4 (+1) = 5
No effect.

Co za fuks w tych rollsach

Turn 9, USA action round 6
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#91 Ops 2: Ortega Elected in Nicaragua * (USSR)
2 USA influence added to France, now at 5
The Soviets use the USSR event played by the USA

** The Ortega Elected in Nicaragua card is permanently removed. **

American influence in Nicaragua now at 0
Coup attempt in Costa Rica (stability 3):
** USSR die roll = 1 (+2) = 3
The modified roll does not exceed the doubled stability -- no effect.

Turn 9, USSR action round 7
The Soviets play the following card as an Event:
#35: South America Scoring

*** Scoring in South America ***
USSR: 2(presence) +1(battlegrounds) = 3
USA: 2(presence) +3(battlegrounds) = 5
VPs up 2, now at 7

Turn 9, USA action round 7
Forced Card Play: #52 Ops 2: Portuguese Empire Crumbles * (USSR)

The Americans play the following card for a coup attempt:
#52 Ops 2: Portuguese Empire Crumbles * (USSR)
Coup attempt in Panama (stability 2):
** USA die roll = 5 (+2) = 7
The modified roll exceeds the doubled stability by 3.
Soviet influence in Panama reduced by 3, now at 0
DEFCON Level lowered to 2
American Military Operations for this turn increased to 5
The Soviets use the USSR event played by the USA

** The Portuguese Empire Crumbles card is permanently removed. **

Soviet influence in SE African States increased by 2, now at 2
Soviet influence in Angola increased by 2, now at 4
*** NORAD -- the US may place 1 influence anywhere they already have influence ***
American influence in Panama increased by 1, now at 2
Znów NORAD objawia swoje błogosławione dla USA właściwości
DEFCON Level raised to 3

+ 7 VP dla USA po 9 turze


10 tura; ręka USA;
#61 Ops 3: OPEC (USSR)
#4 Ops 3: Duck and Cover (USA)
#33 Ops 3: De-Stalinization * (USSR)
#46 Ops 2: How I Learned to Stop Worrying *
#74 Ops 2: The Voice of America (USA)
#47 Ops 2: Junta
#53 Ops 2: South African Unrest (USSR)
#49 Ops 2: Missile Envy
#107 Ops 3: AWACS Sale to Saudis * (USA)
+China Card

10 tura; ręka ZSRR;
#89 Ops 4: Soviets Shoot Down KAL-007 * (USA)
#102 Ops 2: Defectors (USA)
#27 Ops 4: US/Japan Mutual Defense Pact * (USA)
#24 Ops 2: Indo-Pakistani War
#37: Central America Scoring
#32 Ops 1: UN Intervention
#63 Ops 2: Colonial Rearguards (USA)
#17 Ops 3: De Gaulle Leads France * (USSR)
#13 Ops 2: Arab-Israeli War (USSR)

Soviet Headline Card: #24 Ops 2: Indo-Pakistani War
American Headline Card: #49 Ops 2: Missile Envy

USA Headline Event: #49 Ops 2: Missile Envy

The Americans play the following card as an Event:
#49 Ops 2: Missile Envy
The Soviet exchanges the following card for the Missile Envy:
#27 Ops 4: US/Japan Mutual Defense Pact * (USA)

The Americans play the following card as an Event:
#27 Ops 4: US/Japan Mutual Defense Pact * (USA)

** The US/Japan Mutual Defense Pact card is permanently removed. **

USSR may no longer make Coup or Realignment rolls against Japan
American influence in Japan increased by 3, now at 4

USSR Headline Event: #24 Ops 2: Indo-Pakistani War

The Soviets play the following card as an Event:
#24 Ops 2: Indo-Pakistani War
India invades Pakistan...
USSR success on a modified die roll of 4-6; USA modifer is -0
** Die roll: 2 -- no effect **
Soviet Military Operations for this turn increased to 2
Fatalny headline dla ZSRR które przegrywa walkę o Azję, a tu jeszcze Shuttle Diplomacy wciąż działa

Turn 10, USSR action round 1
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#49 Ops 2: Missile Envy
1 USSR influence added to Pakistan, now at 4

Turn 10, USA action round 1
The Americans play the following card as an Event:
#74 Ops 2: The Voice of America (USA)
Soviet influence in India reduced by 2, now at 2
Soviet influence in Pakistan reduced by 1, now at 3
Soviet influence in Chile reduced by 1, now at 2

Turn 10, USSR action round 2
The Soviets play the following card for a coup attempt:
#17 Ops 3: De Gaulle Leads France * (USSR)
Coup attempt in Panama (stability 2):
** USSR die roll = 6 (+3) = 9
The modified roll exceeds the doubled stability by 5.
American influence in Panama reduced by 2, now at 0
Soviet influence in Panama increased by 3, now at 3
DEFCON Level lowered to 2
Soviet Military Operations for this turn increased to 5
*** NORAD -- the US may place 1 influence anywhere they already have influence ***
American influence in Nigeria increased by 1, now at 2

Turn 10, USA action round 2
The Americans play the following card as an Event:
#47 Ops 2: Junta
American influence in Panama increased by 2, now at 2

The Americans play the following card for a coup attempt:
#47 Ops 2: Junta
Coup attempt in Colombia (stability 1):
** USA die roll = 3 (+2) = 5
The modified roll exceeds the doubled stability by 3.
Soviet influence in Colombia reduced by 1, now at 0
American influence in Colombia increased by 2, now at 2

Turn 10, USSR action round 3
The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#102 Ops 2: Defectors (USA)
1 USSR influence added to Panama, now at 4
1 USSR influence added to Chile, now at 3
The Americans use the USA event played by the USSR
VPs up 1, now at 8

Turn 10, USA action round 3
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#4 Ops 3: Duck and Cover (USA)
3 USA influence added to Algeria, now at 3

Turn 10, USSR action round 4
The Soviets play the following card for Ops:
#89 Ops 4: Soviets Shoot Down KAL-007 * (USA)
They also play UN Intervention to cancel the American event

The Soviets play the following card to place influence:
#89 Ops 4: Soviets Shoot Down KAL-007 * (USA)
2 USSR influence added to Nigeria, now at 2

The Soviets play the following card as an Event:
#32 Ops 1: UN Intervention

Turn 10, USA action round 4
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#107 Ops 3: AWACS Sale to Saudis * (USA)
2 USA influence added to Nigeria, now at 4
1 USA influence added to Poland, now at 23

Turn 10, USSR action round 5
The Soviets play the following card as an Event:
#37: Central America Scoring

*** Scoring in Central America ***
USSR: 3(domination) +2(battlegrounds) +1(adj. to USA) = 6
USA: 1(presence) +1(battlegrounds) = 2
VPs down 4, now at 4

Turn 10, USA action round 5
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#6 Ops 4: The China Card
5 USA influence added to India, now at 5

Turn 10, USSR action round 6
The Soviets play the following card as an Event:
#13 Ops 2: Arab-Israeli War (USSR)
USSR success on a modified die roll of 4-6; USA modifer is -0
** Die roll: 2 -- no effect **

Turn 10, USA action round 6
The Americans play the following card to place influence:
#53 Ops 2: South African Unrest (USSR)
2 USA influence added to South Africa, now at 5
The Soviets use the USSR event played by the USA
Soviet influence in Botswana increased by 2, now at 2
Soviet influence in South Africa increased by 1, now at 1

Turn 10, USSR action round 7
The Soviets play the following card for an attempt on the Space Race track:
#63 Ops 2: Colonial Rearguards (USA)
** Space Race Die Roll (1-3 needed): = 6 **
No effect.

Turn 10, USA action round 7
The Americans play the following card for a coup attempt:
#46 Ops 2: How I Learned to Stop Worrying *
Coup attempt in Nicaragua (stability 1):
** USA die roll = 4 (+2) = 6
The modified roll exceeds the doubled stability by 4.
Soviet influence in Nicaragua reduced by 1, now at 0
American influence in Nicaragua increased by 3, now at 3
American Military Operations for this turn increased to 2

+ 4 VP dla USA po 10 turze

Zliczania końcowe;
*** Scoring in Europe ***
USSR: 3(presence) +1(battlegrounds) = 4
USA: 7(domination) +4(battlegrounds) +1(adj. to USSR) = 12

*** Scoring in Asia ***
USSR: 3(presence) +2(battlegrounds) = 5
USA: 7(domination) +4(battlegrounds) = 11

*** Scoring in Central America ***
USSR: 1(presence) +2(battlegrounds) +1(adj. to USA) = 4
USA: 1(presence) +1(battlegrounds) = 2

*** Scoring in South America ***
USSR: 2(presence) +1(battlegrounds) = 3
USA: 5(domination) +3(battlegrounds) = 8

*** Scoring in Africa ***
USSR: 1(presence) +2(battlegrounds)
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Posty: 143
Rejestracja: piątek, 8 października 2010, 10:25
Lokalizacja: Poznań-miasto bez strategów

Post autor: Ouragan »

To co i zwykle. Wygrana USA dzięki błędom w headlinie i początkowej zagrywce gracza ZSRR w I turze. Zmarnowanie Azji i oddanie Włoch doprowadziło do braku wymaganej przewagi ZSRR na początku gry, dlatego dograliście aż do 10 tury.

Gratuluję zwycięstwa.
Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 478
Rejestracja: czwartek, 22 grudnia 2005, 14:55
Lokalizacja: Kraków
Has thanked: 6 times
Been thanked: 16 times

Post autor: Monthion »

USA: 1(presence) +3(battlegrounds) = 4

*** Scoring in Middle East ***
USSR: 5(domination) +4(battlegrounds) = 9
USA: 3(presence) +1(battlegrounds) = 4
The Soviets have the China Card: -1 to the VP total
VPs up 12, now at 16
The USA player wins the game!!!

Gdzie mi się tu Ouragan wtryniłeś :P
Nie zauważyłem że obcięło końcówkę wpisu T_T
Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 143
Rejestracja: piątek, 8 października 2010, 10:25
Lokalizacja: Poznań-miasto bez strategów

Post autor: Ouragan »

He he :) Wtryniłem czy nie... Zazdroszczę jednego... Przynajmniej miałeś emocjonującą rozgrywkę :)

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